17 May 2013

Snowflake The Cat

A sweet little cat that's always up for some cuddling!
Tomorrow I'm going to the Eurovision Song Contest final, and I'll hopefully be able to take some photos - so expect that! :)



  1. Hello Tilde
    welcome to my blog and thanks for your posts.
    You are a fan of Witch, what is your favorite story?
    Your blog is very nice! I really like your pictures!
    Especially those with cats, your portraits with funny expressions and photos of your dolls. I think you're a talented photographer and I love what you write, genuine and clean as your young age.
    Keep it up, you are beautiful and full of magic as a real W.it.ch!
    I will follow your blog with great pleasure!

    1. Hi!
      Yes, I adore W.I.T.C.H.! I don't think it'd be possible for me to choose a favorite!
      Thanks a lot!

  2. I love your cat, he is so cute =^^= !
    Really, you went to the Eurovision Song contest ! WOW ! I watched it on the TV ... How was it :) ?
    Your blog is really nice ^^ !
    xx - lili

    1. It was a bit stuffy but pretty amazing!
      Thank you! :)


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