I found some old pictures (Old and old, from like March this year...) so here you go...
Out of focus, Tilde... |
Crazy bokeh... |
The crazy bokeh is back! |
Thought my mom took this. |
Red eyes... |
I wrote some weird poems today because of my extreme boredom...
Dare to dream.
If you’re scared to dream, just dare. Dare
to dream.
Live the life you wish for.
Just dare to dream.
Dream for a future.
Dare, don’t be scared, dare. It’s not
dangerous; it’s just future for us.
After you’ve lost your all, there’s nothing
else left but to fall. But people that fall don’t have to get hurt, at least
not further than they already are.
I know they sound like song lyrics, they could become one day (:
Have a great day/evening,